Vikas Soni, a teenager from Navalagarh — a small town in Rajasthan, has seen the hardships his father underwent to raise a family. The agricultural income was never enough to feed the family of 12 members.
All of 14, he dropped out of school and started working as a labourer. He tried his hands at selling milk and other avenues for income generation, but did not succeed. However, it did not dampen his spirits. “AU helped me when I decide to buy a pick-up van for my business in 1999,” says Vikas.
Since then there was no looking back for this progressive man. Today, Vikas owns 3 pick-up vans, runs an event management business, where he supplies flowers and makes music arrangements (DJ) at weddings, hotels and other events in and around his village.
Today, he is financially independent and is doing well.
Vikas Soni
Owner of Pick-up vans