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    TDS on Term Deposit/Recurring Deposit (for residents)


Q1. Is TDS deductible on the interest earned on Term Deposits?

For Fixed Deposits/ Recurring Deposits, TDS is not applicable on the interest earned up to Rs. 40,000 under Section 194A. However, TDS will be applicable if the interest received or likely to be received, during the financial year, exceeds Rs. 40,000. Further, in case of Senior Citizen, TDS will be applicable if the interest received or likely to be received, during the financial year, exceeds Rs. 50,000. All customers other than a company, firm or non-resident, whose tax on their estimated total income during the year will be nil, can submit a self-declaration form in the prescribed Form 15G/15H for the purpose of availing TDS exemption under section 194A of the Income Tax Act in accordance with the provisions of section 197A. A fresh Form 15G/15H is required to be submitted for each Financial Year. Form 15G/15H should be submitted at the time of creation of FD or beginning of Financial Year whichever is earlier. Further, fresh Form 15G/H needs to be submitted for all subsequent deposit(s) booked during the Financial Year. Following are the limits for accepting Form 15G/ 15H. In case the limits are breached, Form 15G/ 15H will not be accepted.

Category Form Age Threshold Exemption Limit (Rs.)
Individual 15G Less than 60 years 3,00,000
Senior Citizen (Individual) 15H 60 years & above 7,00,000
Other than Individual
(i.e. Trust,Association, Club, HUF and Society)
15G Not Applicable 3,00,000

Q2. How is TDS deducted?

Type of Customers Tax Rate Surcharge Education Cess Total Taxes
Resident Individual & HUF 10% ---- ---- 10%
Corporate Entity 10% ---- ---- 10%
Firms 10% ---- ---- 10%
Co-operative Societies & Local Authority 10% ---- ---- 10%
Please note that, TDS rate has been reduced to 7.5% for the period 14th May 2020 to 31st March 2021.

Q3. Can TDS be recovered from principal of the FD?

If the interest amount is not sufficient to recover TDS, the amount is taken from the principal of the FD.

Q4. When does the Bank issue TDS Certificate?

The Bank provides the TDS certificate to you on quarterly basis or before the following dates:
Quarter Due Date
1st Quarter 15th August
2nd Quarter 15th November
3rd Quarter 15th February
4th Quarter 15th June of next Financial Year

Q5. Can TDS influence the maturity of my FD?

Yes, in case of reinvestment FDs, the interest reinvested is calculated post TDS recovery. Hence, the final maturity amount for reinvestment FDs would vary to the extent of tax and compounding effect on tax for the period subsequent of deduction till maturity.

Q6. What are the implications if I book an FD without PAN?

Following are the implications if you book an FD without PAN:
  • TDS at a higher rate of 20% will be applied on resident FDs with interest income of Rs. 40,000/- (Rs. 50,000/- in case of Senior Citizen) or above during the Financial Year
  • No TDS credit from the Income Tax department
  • No TDS certificate will be issued (As per CBDT circular no:03/11)
  • Form 15G/H and other exemption certificates will be invalid

Q7. Will changes to my deposit portfolio affect my TDS liability?

Yes. If the change or enhancement in your deposit portfolio earns a cumulative interest of greater than Rs. 40,000/- (Rs. 50000/- in case of Senior Citizen) in a financial year along with that of the earlier portfolio, then you will be liable for TDS on your current portfolio. Note: If interest on the current portfolio is not sufficient to cover TDS, then TDS will be recovered from the principal.

Q8. When is TDS deducted for a Regular FD?

TDS is deducted every time the Bank pays/reinvests interest during the Financial Year. In addition, TDS is also deducted on interest accrued (but not yet paid) at the end of Financial Year i.e. on 31st March.

Q9. Is there any TDS on RD?

Yes. TDS on RD is deducted as per the income tax guidelines under Section 194A w.e.f. 01st June 2015.

Q10. Is PAN mandatory to book FD/RD?

As per Rule 114B of Income Tax Rules read with section 139A of Income Tax Act, you are required to quote a valid PAN for the purpose of creating Fixed Deposit (s)/Recurring Deposit(s) of more than Rs. 50,000 in a single day or if the aggregate amount (for all the FDs & RDs created in a financial year) exceeds Rs. 5,00,000 during the financial year. In case, you do not have a PAN, then you are required to furnish the declaration in Form 60.

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